Buttercups Day Care Nursery Ltd
Buttercups Day Care Nursery Ltd


The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) Ofsted regulates and inspects to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages.

Our URN is: EY448294.
Our most recent Ofsted report is dated 24th January 2016 in which we received a ‘GOOD’ outcome, and the summary of key findings for parents states:-

*  The provider and the manager demonstrate a strong commitment to improving the quality of the provision.  Self-evaluation is on-going and identifies areas for improvement within the provision and outcomes for children.
*  Teaching is good.  The well-qualified practitioner team has a strong knowledge of how children learn and develop.  Practitioners know the children well.  They make regular and precise assessments of their learning.  These ensure children continue to move forward in their learning and develop all the skills they need for their move on to school.
* Children are very happy and settled in the calm and welcoming nursery.  They demonstrate good levels of confidence, showing they feel safe and secure.  Children benefit from plenty of attention, reassurance and praise, supporting their emotional well-being successfully.
* Partnerships with parents, local schools and other professionals work very effectively and make a strong contribution to meeting children’s individual needs.  Parents speak very positively about the nursery.  They like the, ‘calm environment’ and the, ‘fantastic care.’



01562 710354 to speak to Michelle or Sarah







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Buttercups Day Care Nursery

36 St. Kenelms Road


B62 0NU

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